{S:X;X;0;0;Contents of the March 1993 ZLine Disc{ITR-X} V 1.20 \– 17th December 1993}
{S:X;X;0;1;Keywords:{ITT-X}ZLine Fitton}
{S:X;X;0;2;256Greys01{ITR-X}{ITR-X}A file in Draw format containing 256 shades of grey which you can use to compare screen displays and printers \– David Turner}
{S:X;X;0;4;A new Acorn User Show will be held at Harrogate in the spring.{ITR-X}We\’ve been invited to appear on the Colton Software Stand \– Gerald L Fitton}
{S:X;X;0;6;Read the files in the directory PicturesIn before you read this one. The files in this directory use an Embedded Backdrop to mark the point for folding a letter into three.{ITR-X}This contribution is by John Farrell and Robert Macmillan}
{S:X;X;0;7;BusLetter{ITR-X}{ITR-X}I have been asked how to avoid double spacing an address in a letter.{ITR-X}The files in this directory contain the answer.{ITR-X}I explain and demonstrate one of the standard layouts of a business letter \– Gerald L Fitton}
{S:X;X;0;9;The Qume Laser Direct \– John Farrell{ITR-X}Not a CharPrint article\—Computer Concept\’s BJ-200 Turbo Driver \– John B Fox{ITR-X}I am sure that we shall get many contributions to CharPrint!}
{S:X;X;0;11;This is the first of a series of articles on the use of fonts \– Gerald L Fitton}
{S:X;X;0;13;This is \‘general interest\’ conditional probability problem.{ITR-X}I will publish the \‘best\’ answer \– Gerald L Fitton}
{S:X;X;0;14;History{ITR-X}{ITR-X}A short history, explaining the origins of ZLine \– Gerald L Fitton}
{S:X;X;0;16;How easy is it to use Wordz to produce labels?{ITR-X}This worked tutorial takes you through all the steps \– Gerald L Fitton}
{S:X;X;0;18;A step by step approach, with examples of Importing pictures, moving and sizing them, Embedding and Backdrops \– Gerald L Fitton}
{S:X;X;0;19;Style01{ITR-X}{ITR-X}This is the first of a series of articles on the use of Styles.{ITR-X}I suggest that you read the files in this directory at an early stage \– Gerald L Fitton}
{S:X;X;0;21;Importing tables into Wordz. This too might become a series \– Gerald L Fitton}
{S:X;X;0;23;Exporting tables from Wordz to PipeDream \– Gerald L Fitton}
{S:X;X;0;25;A collection of the templates which I have used in the creation of the files on this disc.{ITR-X}You may need the files in this directory to follow some of the tutorials \– Gerald L Fitton}
{S:X;X;0;27;Importing text into Wordz causes different problems from importing tables or labels.{ITR-X}I suggest that you read this before trying Tables or Labels \– Gerald L Fitton}